Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Today Is The Day

We have an unwritten rule at our house that "A Child Is Not Allowed To Have His/Her Third Birthday Until He/She Is Potty Trained". Jackson cut it close, accomplishing the feat just a week before his birthday.

Naomi is about a month away from her birthday, and we've been warning her about this particular rule for quite some time, to no avail. I believe she is ready to be trained, just chooses not to. She's just a teeny weeny bit stubborn. For the past month we've told her about the "No Stinky Diapers Away From Home" rule, and she has complied without any problems.

Today we woke up and decided that today's the day to officially train her. She's worn big girl panties for 5 hours now, with no accidents. Keep it up, Naomi!

"Train up a child in the way he should go..." Proverbs 22:6

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