Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Pancake Day

Chase's favorite meal is pancakes. When we make pancakes, we make A LOT of pancakes. I usually mix up about 4-6 batches of Betty Crocker's recipe at a time, and freeze or refrigerate the leftovers for breakfast the rest of the week. Rarely do we make pancakes in the morning. We usually do them for lunch. I'm able to cook 8 of them at a time on my griddle, which is barely fast enough to keep up with the demand. We buy syrup by the gallon.

This is a picture of the leftovers from one of our pancake days. The kids LOVE it when I agree to make them chocolate chip pancakes. We also made some Harvest pancakes recently, which they enjoyed.

"A man shall eat well by the fruit of his mouth..." Proverbs 13:2

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