Today we celebrated Bryce's 9th birthday. His actual birthday is on Wednesday, but today worked better for family to come. Papa Joe, Carrie, Jason, Will and Ben came, as well as Grandma & Grandpa Storjohann, Kimmy, Jeff & Mason. We watched basketball, then had cake and ice cream. The boys played outside. It's been quite a while since Mason has come to play. All of the boys (big and small) played a game of basketball before everyone left to go home. He received a Gameboy Advance game, an activity book, and a lot of cash. He's looking forward to going shopping. Shannon & I will probably take him out for dinner at the restaurant of his choice on Wednesday.
Jackson's basketball team won first place in their tournament yesterday. Jack played strong all day, and had three good games.
We captured some cute pictures of the kids earlier this week and thought we would share.
Colton's picture shows his displeasure with dinner Thursday night. Admittedly, it wasn't my finest culinary endeavor, but for leftovers, it certainly wasn't bad! Everyone else had seconds.
For the record, I (Jodi) am leading the family in points in the basketball tournament. Alex and Bryce are close behind, but who cares? It's the winner that matters! All's fair in love and basketball.
Shannon's note: It's not SHE who laughs first, but HE who laughs last that matters!
"Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth." Proverbs 27:1
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