Back when I was nineteen, I'm pretty sure that sounded a lot older than I perceive it to be today. Perspective...
At exactly 12:00am I received a text message on my cell phone wishing me a Happy Birthday. I had no clue who it was from, so I texted back to find out who it was. It was John Bower. It was very sweet of him to think of me, and extend birthday wishes at the earliest possible moment. I'm just really relieved that I was awake at the time. I might not have been as pleased if I had been asleep. We didn't get home from the basketball game until about 12:30. We stopped at Walmart after the game and then had to drop the boys off in Reinbeck so they could be in town to work this morning.
Bryce was up promptly at 8:00 to wish me Happy Birthday. Katie, Colton and Hudson showed up around 9:00. Naomi followed shortly after that. I have spent a very lazy day on the couch playing around on the computer. I've received many happy birthday greetings on Facebook, and completed my list of 25 Random Things.
My mom stopped out early this afternoon and we had cake and ice cream that Shannon and the girls prepared for me. Although the cake has '29' on it, it's not because I'm in denial. We just don't seem to have a number '3' anymore.
We're planning to meet Papa Joe at the Meskwaki Casino tonight to eat at their buffet. Papa Joe is a regular there, and he's always getting free coupons. Makes for a cheap date, and the kids like the all-you-can-eat aspect of it.
I don't have any profound thoughts or goals for this last year of my 30's. I'm not dreading the 40's. Life just keeps getting better and better, so bring it on!
"The wise in heart will be called prudent, and sweetness of the lips increases learning." Proverbs 16:21
Happy Birthday Jodi!! There must be something about February birthdays...there seems to be a lot of them. Jason and Sully are celebrating theirs today! Hope it was a good one!
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