~for Macklin. He's helping me blog :-)
~for the warm weather. The kids are loving being outside.
~for Words With Friends. I've spent a lot of time playing this week.
~for being able to turn the furnace off.
~for kind people.
~for the time in-between high school sports seasons. Our schedule is pretty clear until April.
~for our garbage man. He only comes once every two weeks, but it's so nice those first few days after a pick up.
~for Alex. He's been home off and on this week during his Spring Break.
~for books--I mean e-books :-)
~for paint.
~for air compressors and nail guns.
~for Jackson having the courage to tear his motorcycle apart and repaint it himself.
"For the ways of man are before the eyes of the LORD, and He ponders all his paths." Proverbs 5:21
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